FutureBirdies "Warrior" is a collaboration between two unlikely friends who met after an unexpected and urgent landing in Pakistan on their way to Afghanistan in 2009 and a famous street artist named "Joy" from Bergen, Norway.
"Warrior" is inspired by their one and only pic together in Afghanistan and shared "Joy" for embracing unconventionality and a warrior mentality.
Accept the Challenge. Battle Hard. Never Quit.
The Unmarked person is our Co-Founder, Ben Pollock, and "Jarl" from Norway is off Ben's shoulder left.
Ben was Active Duty from 2000-04 in Air Force Communications supporting the Global War on Terror (GWOT) and a contractor based in Germany and United Kingdom (UK) from 2007-2010 supporting Intelligence and NATO Special Operations Forces in Europe and Afghanistan.
"Jarl" has over 20-years service background from the Army, Navy and Norwegian Special Operations Forces (NORSOF) Community. He currently supports NATO operations in Europe.
"Joy" Is not pictured and is an alias. Learn more about the artist here (may require translation) - https://www.joyprints.no/biografi and http://facebook.com/streetartjoy
- Original Artwork from "Joy"
- Printed in Norway. Numbered w/ Stamp of Authenticity
- Fine Art Superior Smooth Cotton Paper 320 g/m2
- First run of 10 per country (USA and Norway)
- USA "Warrior Spirit" Numbered 1-10 of 100
- Norwegian "Warrior Spirit" Numbered 1-10 of 25
- Sold without frame
- All prints ship from USA
- Customer-paid shipping will include tracking and insurance
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